
如同考大学需要SAT一样,申请商学院需要GMAT 。GMAT是希望进入商学院前首先需要准备的。 GMAT与SAT 和其它一些考试不同,它是一种很特殊的Computer Adaptive Test。考生直接在电脑上考试,电脑会根据考生答题的对错而拟定下一道题目的难度。也就是说,如果考生题目答对了,电脑会给出更难一点的题目。考生连续答对,考题便越来越难。反之,答错了,电脑会相应给出容易一点的题,考生连续答错,考题便越来越容易。反反复复之后,电脑就会得出考生的实际水平,而给出相应的考分。如果考生水平很高,他也许永远看不到那些容易的题目;相反,如果考生水平一般,他则不会看到那些难度很大的题。所以,说 GMAT 是一个非常挑战性的考试一点不为过。 全场考试时间是四个小时:三个半小时的考试,半个小时的试间休息。 准备GMAT最好的办法就是直接做GMAT考题。考生在GMAT官方网上注册后就会得到两整套免费的 GMAT试题。题目都是题库里往年的真题。而且因为是在电脑上考,考题随考生的回答而改变难度,所以,这两套考题能很好的反映出考生的水平,考试结果和考生参加正式的考试相差甚微。 GMAT是由GMAC公司提供的:Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC) 。该公司还出售有关GMAT的各种准备书籍。书中题目由易到难,但是,因为书中的题目是死的,不会根据考生的实际水平改变,所以,从书本题目中得到的分数并不能很好的显示考生的水平,不能用这个分数来推断实际考GMAT的分数。但作为练习还是很有用的。 市场上GMAT补习班也不少。代表性的有:Princeton Review, Kaplan, Manhattan GMAT, 等等。这些补习班收费都很昂贵,大约在几千美元。很多公司都会部分或全部报销GMAT补习班的费用,缺点是,考生需告知老板报考商学院的计划,并得到老板的应许。那么,值不值得花几千美元去上这样的补习班,有没有时间去上课,这些补习班到底有多大的帮助,能帮考生提高多少分,这些问题都是因人而异了。 GMAT总共有三个部分:Verbal, Quantitative, 以及Writing。从2012年6月起,GMAT在内容上进行了改变,Writing部分的Essay将只有一篇,代之以Integrated Reasoning(综合推理)。总体考试时间没有改变。因为这部分是新加的,本人对其不了解。这儿就只讲Verbal, Quantitative, Writing 这三个部分。 Verbal和Quantitative满分都是60 分。一般来讲,Verbal 部分得到45 分以上就可进入top 99%; Quantitative 部分考到51分以上就可以进入top 98% 。可见,百分比比分数更能说明问题。在Writing 部分,每篇Essay的满分是6 分,可进入top 90% 。每篇文章的分数加起来得的平均分就是Writing 部分的分数。GMAT的总分是综合这三个部分的成绩,以满分为800 来计算。每年能得800分的寥寥无几。总分大约760以上就属于top 99% 了。每年大约只有10% 的考生能达到700 分以上,大约有三分之二的考生都在400 到600分之间。 Quantitative比Verbal容易得高分。GMAT是向全世界开放的,这样就造成了Quantitative 部分得高分的多。一个不成文的说法是,如果Quantitative 和Verbal 这两个中有一个分高的话,那么最好是Verbal 分高。而如果三部分分数都不错,并且很well balanced, 总分就会很高,因为这样的考生不多。比如,即使这个考生的三个部分每部分都只在百分之九十到九十五之间,但因为各部分都非常平均,那么这个考生的总分就会很高,会达到760以上,top 99% 。这也许是对全面发展的考生的一个奖励吧。我女儿就是这样的一个例子。她根本没有时间复习,试了两套题就去考试了,好在她的底子还不错,三个部分是well balanced, 这样她的总分就很高。 美国top 商学院录取的学生的平均GMAT分数大约在720分左右。也就是说,一般来讲,考到700分就无需重考。顶尖的几个商学院,比如:Harvard, Wharton, 他们对GMAT 的要求不是非常的严格。相反,有些很好的商学院,比如:Columbia, Yale 等,反而更看重 GMAT ,因为他们希望他们的排名更高一点,而他们学生很高的GMAT会显示他们和顶尖商学院没有两样,有助于这些学校在商学院中的排名。当然,无论是申请什么学校,GMAT还是高一些好。如果申请者考分是760 分以上,也就是属于top 99% 的,各学校都会对之注意。 关于注册 GMAT 的考试等等,可去GMAT 的官方网站: http://www.mba.com/ 。 有了GMAT的成绩,便可着手选学校。大部分申请读MBA的都是在职的雇员。他们有全职的工作,而且很多的工作都需要很长的工作时,所以申请商学院不可能像申请大学那样报好多所学校。一般来说,能manage 报五所商学院就不错了,否则时间上根本忙不过来。 同申请大学一样,择校也需考虑到三个层次:Dream School, Reach School, and Safety School. 同时也要考虑到学校的突出点。比如,前三名的商学院尽管都很全面,但也有各自的特色。Harvard 商学院注重Management and Leadership, Stanford 著名于高科技和Entrepreneurship, Wharton则在金融和市场领域很强势。 鉴于商学院的AO(Admission Officer) 人员有限,同时也考虑到申请者时间有限,好多商学院采取了分三轮申请及录取:Round 1, Round 2, and Round 3. 第一轮申请截止大约在十月一号,第二轮大约在次年的一月中,第三轮大约在四月初。就Competitiveness来讲,第一轮和第二轮应该是没有区别,录取的比例也大体一致,但第三轮就很险了。绝大部分学校不建议你孤注一掷在第三轮申请,因为如果他们在第一二轮已经招到满意的了,他们是不会再去考虑第三轮的申请者了,除非AO在第一第二轮中没招全,或没招到特别满意的,否则你的申请就白做了。有些学校根本就没有第三轮,比如:MIT。 还有一种是没有Rounds, 只有Early and Regular. 比如:哥大。哥大有Early 的deadline和Regular的deadline。但是,哥大的AO不会等到Deadline才开始看applications, 而是收到一份看一份,看一份就决定一份,他们是Rolling Admission. Application包括:Education background, College transcript, College courses, Extra curriculum, Years after college, Professional experience, full resume, Essays, and Recommendations. Recommendations需要两到三份,最好是你的current manager, your previous manager, or anyone who is more senior than you. 哈佛指定第三份必须来之于另一个行业的,或业外了解你的leadership, community services等方面的人。 Essay是整个Application里的重头戏。每个学校都需要三到四篇Essay. 申请商学院的大部分时间就花在写Essay上了。这儿列出几所学校的Essay题目供参考: Harvard: 1. Tell us about three of your accomplishments. (600 words) 2. Tell us three setbacks you have faced. (600 words) 3. Why do you want an MBA? (400 words) 4. Answer a question you wish we had asked. (400 words) Wharton: 1. What are your professional objectives? (300 words) 2. Reflect on a time when you turned down an opportunity. What was the thought process behind your decision? Would you make the same decision today? (600 words) 3. Discuss a time when you faced a challenging interpersonal experience. How did you navigate the situation and what did you learn from it? (600 words) MIT 1. Please describe a time when you went beyond what was defined, expected, established, or popular. (500 words or fewer, limited to one page) 2. Please describe a time when you convinced an individual or group to accept one of your ideas. (500 words or fewer, limited to one page) 3. Please describe a time when you had to make a decision without having all the information you needed. (500 words or fewer, limited to one page) Columbia 1. Describe a life experience that has shaped you. The goal of this essay is to get a sense of who you are, rather than what you have achieved professionally. (Maximum 500 words) 2. What is your post-MBA professional goal? (200 characters) 3. Considering your post-MBA and long term professional goals, why are you pursuing an MBA at this point in your career? Additionally, why is Columbia Business School a good fit for you? (Maximum 750 words) Yale: 1. Please answer each of the four (4) questions below with a short paragraph of no more than 150 words. This is an opportunity to distill your core ideas, values, goals and motivations into a set of snapshots that help tell us who you are, where you are going professionally, and why. (600 words total) • What are your professional goals immediately after you receive your MBA? • What are your long-term career aspirations? • Why are you choosing to pursue an MBA? (If you plan to use your Yale MBA to make a significant change in the nature of your career, please tell us what you have done to prepare for this transition.) • The intentions of our students to engage in a broad-minded business school community and to connect to an eminent and purposeful university greatly influences the Yale MBA experience. How do you plan to be involved in the Yale SOM and greater Yale communities as a student? 2. At the Yale School of Management, we believe the world needs leaders who: • Understand organizations, teams, networks and the complex nature of leadership; • Understand markets and competition in different contexts; and • Understand the diversity of economies throughout the world and the relationships between business and society. What experiences have you had that demonstrate your strength in one or more of these areas? (500 words maximum) 3 What is the most difficult feedback you have received from another person or the most significant weakness you perceive in yourself? What steps have you taken to address it and how will business school contribute to this process? (500 words maximum) 写正题之前首先感谢各位网友的支持。有网友还“代WXC老板授你最有价值连载奖”,呵呵,把俺乐得。 还有两位这方面的权威网友给我的“关于申请商学院(二) --- 选校,申请”补充了下面两点。非常感谢! 1. 哈佛,沃顿,斯坦福的ESSAY要求明年开始都有变化,尤其是哈佛。哈佛的Essay只要二份了(为鼓励申请),但同时为了防止出钱请枪手写,哈佛新的要求是在申请人应邀面试后24小时内交一篇论文,就面试内容写一下你的具体看法,你来不及请人帮忙。这是非常有力的一个改变。 2. 鉴于应届生想申请商学院,而商学院又对工作履历有特殊要求,哈佛则对应届生有个2+2的方案。即:应届生可以申请,被录取后,交上定金,工作2年后再回来读2年,申请过程和商学院相同。这个方案不止局限于哈佛,而是对所有大四的学生开放,特别欢迎学科学的学生申请。 ------------------------------------------------- 所有申请的材料寄出后,接下来就是等待了,等待收到面试的通知。 申请读MBA的面试和申请大学时的面试性质完全不一样。商学院的面试其实是录取过程中的第一轮筛选。如果你没有收到面试通知,你就已经out了。每个商学院发面试通知的时间都不一样。有些学校是AO边读Application边决定发不发面试通知。比如MIT。 有些人也许刚寄出去不久就收到了面试通知, 而有些则一直到接近录取的Deadline才收到通知. 这并不说明你的申请条件不如前面的,只是AO刚来得及读你的申请而已。哈佛有点特殊,他们只有三个Communication days. 每个communication date大概间隔一周。如果在第一个communication date没受到面试通知的话,你还可以等第二个,若在第二个communication date还没有收到的话,那就希望不大了。因为第三个communication date所有还没收到通知的都会收到一个email, 内容是either YES or NO. 收到面试通知便意味着你有了很大的被录取希望,但是,决不是100%的希望。 哈佛和Wharton的最终录取比例相差不大,但是获得面试机会的比例却相差不小。哈佛只给20% 的申请者发面试通知,相对来讲,能进哈佛面试的,录取比例就很大。而Wharton会给40%的申请者面试机会,但只从这40%的面试者中录取40%,也就是说有一大半Wharton的应试者会得不到录取。这就给面试增加了很大的竞争。 大部分的商学院都采取Behavioral Interview Method. 具有代表性的是Wharton 和MIT。 所谓Behavioral Interview Method就是在一个特定的情况下,你是如何表现的,包括你的想法,你为什么这么想,你的方案,你是如何处理的,其他人是如何反应的,结果是什么。比如:“Please give me a time when you have to lead a group of people.” Or “ a time when you don’t have enough resources.” 所以,在面试前,你要准备好多个方面的examples, 比如:persuading, leading, 等等。一般来讲,准备七到八个实例就差不多了。 哈佛面试的问题比较广,他们的Philosophy是发掘出你是个什么样的人。比如你对目前某个现象的看法等等。他们想知道你会不会是下一个CEO. 哥大的面试题是混合型的。既有Behavioral questions, 也有其它不着边际的,甚至包括你的业余爱好等等。 各学校用的面试官也有区别。哈佛和MIT只用AO做面试官。Wharton, Yale, Columbia等除了AO外,他们还培训了第二年的MBA学生和Alumni帮助面试。好处是可以有更多的申请者得到面试机会,而且MBA学生和Alumni也许有更多的实际经验和知识。当然也有坏处。比如去年,Wharton有一个Alumni面试官就把 Wharton培训面试官的磁带发到网上了,而且就在商学院的面试期间,结果,Round 1的申请者错过了,而Round 2的人却全赶上了。Wharton为此遭到很多的criticism,从此也罢掉了Alumni 当面试官的权利。 顺利通过面试后,希望就在眼前了。恭喜! 结束全文前,贴一个子女坛前辈转的一个轻松比喻,仅供一笑而已: HBS HBS is like a British exotic car of varying quality – Rolls Royce, Bentley, and Aston Martin. They are Establishment, top hats and all. Like British exotics, HBS is really known for its heritage and prestige (with sport performance and classic styling to back it up). Some drivers are able to break the "unapproachable" mold and will take their cars for a bit of a joyride, but some are trapped in the pomp and circumstance of their cars. Only drawback is that they are incredibly high maintenance (more reliable than Italian exotics, but the repair costs are astronomically high) and insist on being noticed. And watching an HBS alum “fail” a la Jeffery Skilling is like seeing a Bentley stranded on the side of the road – everyone else can’t help but gloat. STANFORD GSB Stanford is like an Italian exotic – from iconic marques like Ferrari, Lamborghini, and Alfa Romeo, to super exotics like the Pagani Zonda, as well as the “all style and no substance” that are the Maseratis. In terms of styling and performance, they are bold, distinctive, and anti-authoritarian much like Stanford – built as if to be a complete counterpoint to the British exotics. They aren't the most reliable cars, but they sure look good, and they are the ultimate joyride car, risks be damned (few cars can replicate the exhaust note of a Ferrari). If HBS is about prestige, Stanford is about rebellious sex appeal. Just like not every Stanford GSB alum is of the same caliber, knowledgeable “car guys” know that there’s a huge difference between Ferarri and Maserati – the former is a real sports car, while the latter is a piece of sh*t. But to the uninitiated, they draw attention in equal measure. WHARTON (UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA) Wharton is like a German exotic – Porsche, AMG, Maybach, Alpina, and Ruf, which represents a long history of performance that is analytical, clinical and precise, with styling that has always maintained a sporty middle ground, in between the conservative or even stodgy styling of the Brits and the more extreme elements of the Italians. They combine the quality/reliability of German engineering that the British and Italian sports cars don't have, with the cachet that rivals only the British and Italian luxury cars. The styling for the most part hides some of the best engineering under the hood, so the cars tend to draw less attention on the road. For example, most people may not even know the difference between an AMG or a regular Benz, much like most people may not have heard of Wharton, but when you say “Penn”, they respond, “oh, Penn State.” Moreover, they don't quite have the same cachet of the British and Italian luxury cars, even though many drivers would still kill to say “I drive a Porsche” even if it’s just a Cayenne (i.e. a Toyota SUV with a Porsche stamp). 。。。。。 谢谢!祝大家好运!



2012 西安大略大学 统计/精算/金融数学 笔试经验分享:http://www.ibtsat.com/archives/4320 【手把手帮你打造DIY申请达人】2013系列——如何合理的划分GPA:http://www.ibtsat.com/archives/4650 【手把手帮你打造DIY申请达人】2013系列——如何搞定第一手正确资讯:http://www.ibtsat.com/archives/4555 【手把手帮你打造DIY申请达人】2013系列——如何计划你的留学时间:http://www.ibtsat.com/archives/4595 教育部赴美调查“文凭工厂”与中国19所大学合作:http://www.ibtsat.com/archives/4390 2012留学美国理工类名校申请技巧前瞻:http://www.ibtsat.com/archives/4106 盘点留学面试可能遇到的问题:http://www.ibtsat.com/archives/4174 加拿大研究生申请条件:http://www.ibtsat.com/archives/4195 拼爹拼妈拼时代 入读美国名校拼什么:http://www.ibtsat.com/archives/4241 免提交托福成绩的美国大学名单全搜集:http://www.ibtsat.com/archives/4459 两个小时轻松搞定美国使馆签证全过程:http://www.ibtsat.com/archives/4491 北美学校定位与GRE成绩:http://www.ibtsat.com/archives/4529  

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