
无老师满分范例:The statement itself underlies a serious mistake - the very purpose of teaching and schooling, and education on a bigger scale, is better performance of all students. Common sense informs me that education, and teachers' responsibility in particular, should be intended to build up students' confidence in exploring and discovering unknown respects as well as specific skills required to accomplish that. Such standard is often broad and abstract in contrast to the narrowness and rigidity of the criterion - students' performance. If teachers' salary is determined by the students' performance, this hint would destroy the long-term function of schooling and education since the system is short-sightedly targeted at improving students' performance. 无老师优秀中文翻译:这样的陈述本身就有一个很大的错误,教学、学校教育本身的目的很大程度上来说,是所有学生应该整体的表现更好。常识告诉我们教育,尤其是老师的责任,应该是帮助学生建立自己在探索和发现未知领域和实现这些未知目标的所需要的特殊技能的自信心。这个的标准(探索未知领域)是宽泛的而且抽象的,与狭隘的和死板的学生分数这样一个标准恰恰相反。如果教师的薪水是由学生的表现所决定的,这样的暗示将会损害学校和教育的长远作用,因为这样的教育体系会很短视的将目标定位于提高学生的分数这一点上。 无老师平庸范例:This idea has a big wrong mistake, the purpose of the teaching, school, and education in a large extent is that all the students will have a good behavior. Everyone knows that education, particularly the duty of teachers, is helping the students to build the confidence in building their own ability of exploring and finding the unknown area and the unknown target. The standard is very wide and abstract, which are against the standard of the students’ score’s narrowness and rigidity. If the teachers’ wages is controlled by the students’ score, this means this will destroy the long effect of the school and the education, because the system will short-sightly focus on the improvement of the students’ score. 无老师精析:有的作文胜在固定搭配,有的作文胜在句式,这篇作文则是生在用词,在写平庸范例的过程中就很明显的发现,其他的作文我们可以很轻易的写出很烂的平庸范例,但是这篇文章我们却很难做到这一点,貌似只要是按照中文翻译来写,我们就只能写出与原文极为相似的文章。为什么呢?反思过后,发现本篇文章的优点就是在于用词准确,甚至可以成为精准!只要是用到一个词,它则是没有其他任何可以替代的单词,真是令人啧啧称奇!不过无老师到这里必须问一句:在没有中文翻译的情况下,你真的看懂优秀范文在说什么了么? 第一句:优秀范例飚出The statement itself underlies a serious mistake - the very purpose of teaching and schooling, and education on a bigger scale, is better performance of all students.从句式上来讲,平庸范例没有什么变化,只有在用词上小有变化。This idea has a big mistake, the purpose of the teaching, school, and education in a large extent is that all the students will have a good behavior.这里显然优秀范例用到了underlie这个词,这是我们很少用到的,平庸范例,只能勉强用到have这个词。其后的on a bigger scale则是写得很棒,对于前文进行进一步的修饰,要不是优秀范例里用到了这个表达方法,平庸范例很难写出来。 接下来优秀范例说的是Common sense informs me that education, and teachers' responsibility in particular, should be intended to build up students' confidence in exploring and discovering unknown respects as well as specific skills required to accomplish that.对比平庸范例everyone knows that education, particularly the duty of teachers, is helping the students to build the confidence in building their own ability of exploring and finding the unknown area and the unknown target.优秀范例引入了Common sense,想一想我们平时也都是很机械的写出everyone knows,水平差距太大,实在是羞愧!然后优秀范例又用了in particular进行强调,不禁要问,平时我们怎么就想不到呢?!其后的也是一样build up one’s confidence与unknown respect还有required to accomplish that都是很好地表达方法,不得不赞叹,优秀作文的中文功底也是了得啊! 第三句优秀范例再出撒手锏Such standard is often broad and abstract in contrast to the narrowness and rigidity of the criterion - students' performance.对比平庸范例The standard is very wide and abstract, which are against the standard of the students’ score’s narrowness and rigidity.虽然两者之间没有什么差别,但是实际上还是因为优秀范例的用词太到位了!就像在伟人的带领下,我们永远都不会跑进烂泥沟一样,平庸范例也是不那么平庸了。而且貌似这句话可以当模板用,只需要把里面的students' performance换为你想批判的主题即可。 最后一句话,优秀范文写的是If teachers' salary is determined by the students' performance, this hint would destroy the long-term function of schooling and education since the system is short-sightedly targeted at improving students' performance.对比平庸范例If the teachers’ wages is controlled by the students’ score, this means this will destroy the long effect of the school and the education, because the system will short-sightly focus on the improvement of the students’ score.必须承认,优秀范文的hint这个词用得太残暴了!貌似是很多人这辈子都没想过用这个词!如果将this hint would翻译的比较到位的话,可以翻译为these events would lead to……太残暴了!太残暴了!优秀范文的功力非我等可以企及!其后的long-term与short-sightedly不仅用词准确,而且形成某种意义上的对比,真是令我等屌丝敬佩啊!有幸得赏此文,真乃幸事! 优秀范文真的是中文功底太到位了,再绝配上优秀的英文表达,望尘莫及!望尘莫及!这篇文章看看,能借用几个表达就好了,不要期望全盘模仿了,太难了。


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