
肃肃凉风生,加我林壑清。驱烟寻涧户,卷雾出山楹。去来固无迹,动息如有情。日落山水静,为君起松声。苍松翠柏,云雾环绕,这是北方的小盆友们认为只有仙境之中才有的场景。伸手擦去天上的云朵,转眼已经放晴,但是山上的云雾依然是若即若离。不由得想起当年手拿菜刀砍电线,一路火花带闪电的场景。不禁让人感慨,出来混,不带着电棍,还TM真让人感觉没有自信。身在遥远的广东,突然想起远方的亲人已经1个多小时没有联系了,伸手去找电话。嗯?!Iphone5!Iphone5哪去了,背包里没有,手提箱里没有,狼牙棒里没有,外衣兜里没有,裤子兜里没有,内衣兜里也没有!再找找!内裤里,翻了,没有!外裤里翻了,也没有!哎!早知道手机会丢,就早拍点艳照了…生生的白丢了手机啊!!!这年头出名这么难,这么好的一个机会又被错失了!要不等改天买个ipad3,里面放满艳照扔大街上,保证第二天......食品药品管理局就该找来了,说我的ipad3作为新研制出来的新药通过了,专治各种不服。这年头,就该让药品管理局来管网络,让GFW来管食品和药物,那小盆友们过的得多开心那!可见,什么样的人才都是有用的,关键是要放在合适的地方。^_^为了平复自己的心情,打开电脑上上网,还是视频给力!毛圣孙对于民办教师的评价沁人心脾,说的实在是太.....差不多.....我看.....一直在关注这个问题,你明白我说什么了吧。继续看文字新闻,看完新闻之后,顿觉得神清气爽!Iphone5丢了算什么,体育新闻告诉我们全国人民每天都能中彩票头奖,随便一中就是个把亿的,真是让人开心!只是想知道,按照现在新闻中报道的中奖频率,4万亿应该早就被全国人民瓜分了吧,怎么还总有新的人中奖呢?太奇怪了!关上浏览器,一切都被remove了!好了,最后请回答,remove是什么意思?抢答开始!那就请中彩票的童鞋回答一下吧。别闹!冥币不算!日元?你真以为2010年拿300块钱买Iphone5的人傻呀!好吧,就你答了!答:“搬走!”你的日元是不是也是冥币?闹呢!remove这个单词真正的意思应该是“移除”,换句话说,“让...完全消失”的意思。强调的是“消失”,而不是“移动到另外一个地方”,这件事教育我们,封建迷信害人不浅呐-_-!!! remove 1 / rɪˈmuːv; rɪˋmuv/ v (esp fml 尤作庄重语) (a) [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth/sb (from sth) take sth/sb away from one place to another 将某物[某人]移到别处; 移开: remove the dishes (from the table) (从餐桌上)撤去碗碟 * remove one's hand from sb's shoulder 把放在某人肩上的手移开 * The statue was removed to another site. 塑像已挪到另一地方. * They were removed from the English class, eg to have special lessons. 他们已从英语班转走(如上专设课). (b) [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sb (from sth) dismiss sb from a post, etc 免去某人的职务等: remove a diplomat from office 免除一外交官的职务 * He was removed from his position as chairman. 他被撤去主席的职务. (c) [Tn] take off (clothing, etc) from the body 脱下(衣服等): remove one's hat, coat, gloves, etc 摘下帽子﹑ 脱掉大衣﹑ 摘下手套 * remove the bandages/plaster from sb's arm 解掉某人手臂上的?带[揭掉某人臂膀上的橡皮膏]. [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (from sth) (a) get rid of sth by cleaning 去掉或清除某物: remove graffiti from the subway walls 除去人行隧道墙上乱涂乱画的痕迹 * Washo removes stains! Washo一到, 污迹全掉! * She removed her make-up with a tissue. 她用纸巾擦掉脂粉. (b) cause sth to disappear; eliminate sth 使某物消失; 消除某物: remove superfluous hair 剪去多余的毛发 * (fig 比喻) remove problems, difficulties, objections, etc 解决问题﹑ 克服困难﹑ 消除反对意见 * remove doubts, fears, etc from sb's mind 消除某人的疑虑﹑ 恐惧等 * The threat of redundancy was suddenly removed. 裁员的危险顿时消除了. [Ipr] ~ (from sth) (fml 文) go to live or work in another place; move 移居; 迁移: We are removing from London to the country. 我们正从伦敦迁往乡下. * Our suppliers have removed to Bath. 我们的供应厂商已迁往巴斯. (idm 习语) once, twice, etc removed (of cousins) belonging to a different generation (指堂﹑ 表亲戚)隔一代﹑ 两代...的: a first cousin once removed, ie a first cousin's child 堂或表兄弟姐妹的子或女. > removable / -əbl; -əbl/ adj (a) that can be removed or detached 可移动的; 可除去的; 可拆卸的: This coffee-maker has two removable parts. 这个煮咖啡器有两个部分, 可以拆开. (b) [pred 作表语] (of a person) that can be dismissed from office (指人)可免职. removal / -vl; -vl/ n 1 [U] removing or being removed 移动; 迁移; 免职; 去除. 2 [C] transfer of furniture, etc to a different home 搬迁: [attrib 作定语] a re`moval van, firm, specialist, etc 搬迁用车﹑ 公司﹑ 专门人员等. removed adj [pred 作表语] ~ (from sth) (fig 比喻) distinct or different; remote 有区别; 不同; 遥远; 关系远: an accent not far removed from Cockney 与伦敦土话差不多的口音 * an explanation far removed from the truth 与事实相去甚远的解释. remover n 1 (in compounds 用以构成复合词) thing that removes sth 移动或去除某物之物: a stain, paint, nail-varnish, etc remover 污斑﹑ 油漆﹑ 指甲油等清除剂. 2 (esp pl 尤作复数) person or business that moves sb's furniture, etc, to a new house 代人搬迁的业者或公司: a firm of removers 搬运公司. remove 2 / rɪˈmuːv; rɪˋmuv/ n ~ (from sth) (fml 文) stage or degree of difference or distance (from sth) 差别或距离的阶段或程度; 差距; 间距: Your story is several removes from the truth. 你的说法与事实有些距离. * feel a child's suffering at one remove, ie as a parent 身为父母感受到孩子的痛苦. (Brit) class or division in some schools, esp for pupils of about 14 (某些学校的)班或组(尤指约14岁学生的).     相关阅读: iBT新托福重点考察词汇之GRADUAL【无老师词汇系列】:http://www.ibtsat.com/archives/2435 iBT新托福重点考察词汇之TOO…TO…【无老师词汇系列】:http://www.ibtsat.com/archives/2334 iBT新托福重点考察词汇之WELL-BEING【无老师词汇系列】:http://www.ibtsat.com/archives/2261 iBT新托福重点考察词汇之SUCCESSOR【无老师词汇系列】:http://www.ibtsat.com/archives/1817 iBT新托福重点考察词汇之CONSIDERABLE【无老师词汇系列】:http://www.ibtsat.com/archives/1775 iBT新托福重点考察词汇之SUBJECT TO【无老师词汇系列】:http://www.ibtsat.com/archives/1724 iBT新托福重点考察词汇之WITHSTAND【无老师词汇系列】:http://www.ibtsat.com/archives/1617 iBT新托福重点考察词汇之DRAMATIC【无老师词汇系列】:http://www.ibtsat.com/archives/1314 iBT新托福重点考察词汇之SINCE【无老师词汇系列】:http://www.ibtsat.com/archives/1182 iBT新托福重点考察词汇之APPROACH【无老师词汇系列】:http://www.ibtsat.com/archives/1118 iBT新托福重点考察词汇之GAME【无老师词汇系列】:http://www.ibtsat.com/archives/1088 iBT新托福重点考察词汇之PHYSICAL【无老师词汇系列】:http://www.ibtsat.com/archives/948 iBT新托福重点考察词汇之LANDSCAPE【无老师词汇系列】:http://www.ibtsat.com/archives/904

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