
High School Name A B C D E Total Score
Remin University of China Affiliated High School 7.40 6.17 10 10 10 43.57
Tsinghua University Affiliated High School 5.20 4.33 10 10 10 39.53
Northestern Polytechnical University Affiliated Middle School 4.30 3.58 9 10 10 36.88
Northeast Normal University Affiliated High School 4.20 3.50 9 10 10 36.70
Beijing Normal University Affiliated Experimental High School 3.50 2.92 9 9 10 34.42
Shanghai High School 2.90 2.42 9 10 10 34.32
Central China Normal University Affiliated 1st Middle School 2.80 2.33 9 9 10 33.13
Beijing 4th Middle School 2.80 2.33 9 10 8 32.13
Harbin Normal University Affiliated Middle School 2.70 2.25 9 10 9 32.95
Beijing 11th Middle School 2.30 1.92 9 8 10 31.22
Huadong Normal University Affiliated 2nd High School 2.20 1.83 8 9 10 31.03
Beijing Normal University Affiliated 2nd High School 2.10 1.75 8 8 10 29.85
Hebei Hengshui High School 2.10 1.75 9 8 8 28.85
Harbin 3rd Middle School 2.10 1.75 9 8 7 27.85
Beijing 8th Middle School 2.10 1.75 8 8 8 27.85
Shanxi University Affiliated High School 2.00 1.67 8 7 9 27.67
Tianjin Nankai Middle School 1.90 1.58 8 8 8 27.48
Chongqing Nankai Middle School 1.90 1.58 8 8 7 26.48
Qingdao 2nd Middle School 1.90 1.58 8 7 8 26.48
Xi’an Gaoxin 1st High School 1.80 1.50 8 7 8 26.30
Shanxi Experimental Middle School 1.80 1.50 8 7 8 26.30
Zhejiang Zhenhai Middle School 1.70 1.42 8 7 8 26.12
Nanjing Normal University Affiliated  High School 1.70 1.42 7 6 10 26.12
Chengdu 7th Middle School 1.60 1.33 8 7 7 24.93
Benxi High School 1.60 1.33 8 7 7 24.93
Shijiazhuang 2nd Middle School 1.60 1.33 8 7 7 24.93
Changsha Yali Middle School 1.60 1.33 8 7 7 24.93
Urumqi1st Middle School 1.60 1.33 8 7 7 24.93
Chongqing Bashu Middle School 1.60 1.33 8 7 7 24.93
Guangxi Liuzhou Senior High School 1.50 1.25 7 7 8 24.75
Northeast Yucai Middel School 1.50 1.25 7 7 8 24.75
Beijing 101 Middle School 1.40 1.17 7 7 8 24.57
Tianjin 1st Middle School 1.30 1.08 7 7 8 24.38
Dalian Yuming High School 1.30 1.08 7 7 8 24.38
Zhengzhou 1st Middle School 1.30 1.08 7 7 8 24.38
Yunnan Normal University Affiliated High School 1.30 1.08 7 6 9 24.38
Wuhan Foreign Languages School 1.20 1.00 7 6 9 24.20
Hai’nan Middle School 1.20 1.00 7 6 8 23.20
Beijing 2nd Middle School 1.20 1.00 7 6 8 23.20
Beijing 5th Middle School 1.20 1.00 7 6 8 23.20
Tianjin Yaohua Middle School 1.20 1.00 7 6 8 23.20
Gansu Northwest Normal University Affiliated High School 1.10 0.92 7 6 8 23.02
Xi’an 1st Railway Middle School 1.10 0.92 7 6 7 22.02
Guiyang 1st Middle School 1.10 0.92 7 6 7 22.02
Jiangsu Huaiyin Middle School 1.10 0.92 7 6 7 22.02
Qinghai Huangchuan Middle School 1.10 0.92 7 6 7 22.02
Changsha Changjun Middle School 1.10 0.92 7 6 7 22.02
He’nan Experimental Middle School 1.10 0.92 7 6 7 22.02
He’nan 1st Middle School 1.10 0.92 7 6 7 22.02
Wuhan 2nd Middle School 1.00 0.83 7 6 7 21.83
1. Criteria
  • A: Number of students who enter vital universities in past 5 years
  • B: Number of students who go abroad to study in past 5 years
  • C: Subjective opinions from Chinese university (and high school) deans and presidents
  • D: Teachers’ qualifications
  • E: School’s expenditure per student
2. Scoring System
  • Each column is worth 10pts which the points add up to a total score of 50pts.
  • Vital univeristies is recoganized as 5 top univeristies in China
  • 1000 students equals to 10pts.
From:http://compulife-institute.org/admissions/top-50-high-school-in-china/   相关文章推荐: 2011年美国本科生、研究生课本省钱最强攻略【无老师力荐】:http://www.ibtsat.com/archives/3138 留学宝典:2010年美国大学起薪最高的十大专业【无老师力荐】:http://www.ibtsat.com/archives/3065 不比不知道,中美教育的10个最大差异对比【无老师力荐】:http://www.ibtsat.com/archives/3003 我就是要走弯路!——海外华人父母教育子女观【无老师力荐】:http://www.ibtsat.com/archives/2793 美国人是这样教育富二代的 国内某些人看了不脸红么?【无老师力荐】:http://www.ibtsat.com/archives/2446 美国部分BT恶魔导师列表(完整版,按学校整理)【无老师力荐】:http://www.ibtsat.com/archives/2376 Yale耶鲁大学中国留学生独家英语学习心得【无老师力荐】:http://www.ibtsat.com/archives/2289 1位居住美国多年的老留学生对英语学习的理解【无老师力荐】:http://www.ibtsat.com/archives/2284 你们美国人,凭什么不让我考Toefl?【无老师力荐】:http://www.ibtsat.com/archives/3078 美国小学五年级小朋友”失业”了…【无老师力荐】:http://www.ibtsat.com/archives/2132 Yale University耶鲁大学面试实录【无老师力荐】:http://www.ibtsat.com/archives/2111 从五方面对比加拿大大学和美国大学【无老师力荐】:http://www.ibtsat.com/archives/2266 华人美国名校面试有诀窍——迟到邋遢是大忌【无老师力荐】:http://www.ibtsat.com/archives/2102 ADAM WHEELER,作假进哈佛【无老师力荐】:http://www.ibtsat.com/archives/2041 在加拿大生活的几年里,经常能感受到加拿大人的“一根筋”【无老师力荐】:http://www.ibtsat.com/archives/3116

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